RIP Lures® Rest In Peace Memorial Lures
You have 2 options. First is to place about 1 teaspoon per lure of ash into a ziploc bag. Then place that bag inside another bag. Most customers use this method and send to us immediately. This saves approx 2 weeks of time. The second option, upon request, RIP Lures® will send you a Remembrance Kit which includes a small sift proof container in a sealed plastic bag for you to place the ashes in. The kit will include a Postal Service Cremated Remains label (Label 139), and instructions on how to post the ashes to us. This method costs approx 30 dollars for you to send to us. We receive all ash no matter how they are sent. While it is not required, we would appreciate a few words about your loved one so that we may consider him or her as we create your RIP Lure. We request that you post it back to us via Registered United States Post Office mail. The United States Postal Service offers the only legal method of shipping cremated remains domestically. We recommend you use a Priority Mail Express box. The Postal Service offers the boxes free to customers who use Priority Mail Express service. Use the Postal Service Cremated Remains label (Label 139), which is available at your local Post Office™ and also included in the Remembrance Kit. This link from USPS provides complete instructions for mailing cremated ashes: https://about.usps.com/publications/pub139.pdf